- We are family members and friends who are advocates for our own loved ones and all residents of New Vista.
- We seek input for improvements.
- We also provide support for each other as caregivers.
Terms of Reference
Open to all family members and close friends of residents of New Vista.
If a New Vista resident has passed away, the family members or close friends are still welcome to be members of the Family Council but will not be voting members.
Meetings are held between 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM on the second Tuesday of every month except for August and December.
- During 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM the time is dedicated to light refreshments and networking.
- During 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM the time is dedicated to presentations, alternating monthly between New Vista staff and outside guest speakers.
- From 6:30 PM onward the time is dedicated to discussion amongst Family Council members only.
Annually, at the January meeting informal elections are held for the volunteer positions of chair, co-chair, secretary.
If interaction between the Family Council and New Vista departments (which can include Laundry, Nutrition, Safety) is needed, a member may be appointed as a temporary liaison until issues are resolved.
During the family and friends only portion of a meeting, structure includes a welcome to new members, adoption of minutes of the previous meeting, approval/modification of planned agenda, reports from liaisons and discussion on issues decided by membership.
A respectful code of conduct is to be observed by all attendees.
Minutes from last meeting and next meeting agenda are e-mailed to members in advance of the next meeting. Minutes and agenda will also be available on-site at each meeting as well as in display case by the elevators.
Topics for meetings are suggested by the Family Council and our New Vista liaison.
Our New Vista liaison (currently Manager, Recreation and Therapeutic Programs) helps arrange for the guest presenters.