2024 Retirement Journeys

Retirement Party
New Vista Bids Farewell to Two Long-Standing Employees as They Embark on Retirement Journeys
After dedicating years of their lives to New Vista Society, two long-standing employees are preparing for a new chapter in retirement.
Tony B, who worked in support services, and Laura T, who worked in the care department, retired from the organization earlier this year, after many decades with the society.
Both said they were approaching the new phase of their life with a mix of emotions but were excited about the future.
“It feels kind of weird now that I’m not going to see my [work] family all the time anymore,” Laura said during a service recognition party at New Vista in February. “But I am looking forward to seeing my grandchildren and people like that some more, so it all kind of balances out.”
Laura noted the dedication, camaraderie, and cherished memories she would take with her as she entered retirement.
Tony, an avid photographer, said he would be spending more time working on his past time.
“I do the odd wedding and stuff like that,” he said. “But I mainly do fine art and stock photography.”
Tony said he appreciated the years working for New Vista, mainly in the kitchen, where he was in charge of receiving food orders.
“Like anything, it has its ups and downs,” he added. “But working for the residents, helping the residents and the teamwork that we have — it was all positive.”