Donations and community partnerships are critical to achieving our vision of care for seniors, and affordable housing in greater Vancouver.  Donations help us deliver on our promise of high quality care and support to seniors and families in our community.  With your gift, you can help us change the conversation about affordable housing and seniors care. With us, you can ensure that Burnaby and Metro Vancouver remain caring communities where people from all walks of life can live and age in place.

Gifts pledged over three to five years, monthly gift commitments and legacy gifts allow you to make a significant difference in the lives of the people in our care and buildings.   We would be delighted to target your gift to specific components of the Care Home, Seniors Day Care, or Housing programs that excite you, and to honour you, your family and your generosity.

당신의 기부는 한국계 캐내디언 고령자들의 수요와 문화적 차이의 이해에 집중한 새로운 거주 요양원 설립의 약속을 이행하는데 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.

Our Donor Wall Categories are:

Friends $1,000+

Sustainers: $15,000 +

Builders: $100,000+

After a successful multi-year campaign to buy each care resident a new bed which prevent hip fractures from falls, our next campaign is to purchase Bladder Scanners which prevent hospitalizations. These innovative diagnostic tools are used to safely, accurately and painlessly evaluate bladder function and health. Having our own machine(s) will prevent unnecessary transfers to acute care, thus reducing the risk of Covid transmission.

Donate to New Vista Today

Your gift will help us deliver on our promise of high quality care
and support to seniors and families in our community.
Thank you.

Legacy Giving

When you leave a charitable bequest to The New Vista Society in your will,
no matter what the size, you will be supporting a tradition of caring and compassion
and making a real difference in the lives others.